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The Gospel According to Thomas (The Gospel of Thomas)

Updated: Aug 2, 2024

Read The Gospel of Thomas in its most complete version here.
The Gospel of Thomas

Below is the complete Gospel of Thomas. . .

These things were given to him in a mystery, and immediately he disappeared out of his outer presence. Thomas then came up to his fellow disciples and related to them the things the Savior spoke to him. According to John, these are the hidden words which the living Jesus spoke, and Didymus Judas Thomas wrote them down. And Jesus said, whoever falls onto the meaning of these words will not taste death.

Jesus said, "Let he who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. And when he does find, he will be troubled, and if he should be troubled, he will become amazed, and he will become King-Over-the-All."

"If those who came before you had said, the kingdom is in the sky and the birds will be first before you in the sky, if they should say the kingdom is in the sea then the fish would be first before you. Rather, the kingdom is of your inner and your outer self. When you should know yourselves, then they will know you, and you will realize you are the sons of the father who lives. If, however, you do not know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you yourselves are

the poverty."

Jesus said, "The older man will ask the small child about life, and he will live. For there are many first who will become last and they come to be 'one' alone."

Jesus says, "If you know what is in front of your face, what is hidden to you will be revealed to you. For nothing hidden will not appear."

The disciples asked Jesus, "Do you want us to fast? What is the way that we shall pray, shall we give alms, should we abstain from what foods?" Jesus said this, "Do not tell lies, and that which you yourselves hate, don't do it. For all of them are revealed in the presence of the sky. Nothing hidden shall remain hidden, and nothing covered will remain without revealing it."

Jesus said, "A blessed one is the lion which the man will eat; and the lion comes to be man. And the man which the lion will eat will be cursed. And the lion will come to be man." Then Jesus asked, "Does the man compare to a wise fisherman who casts his net out to the sea?"

The fisherman drew it up from the sea. Being full of little ones from below, he found a great one, and the wise fisherman thought this very good. He cast back the little ones, all of them, back to the sea and chose the great fish to keep without trouble. "He who can hear; Let him listen." The days you were eating what is dead, you were making it that which lives. So when you should come to be in the light, what is it you will do? On the day you were one, you made the two; when however, you should be two, what is it you will do?”

The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will go from our hand; who is he who will become great over us?" Jesus said, "The place where you will go, you will be going up to Jacob the righteous, for he is the one for whom the sky and heaven have come into being."

Jesus asked his disciples to whom does he resemble. Simon-Peter said, “You resemble a righteous angel.” Matthew said, “You resemble a wise philosopher.” Thomas said this, "Master, my mouth cannot fully accept all that there is to describe whom you resemble." Jesus said this, “I am not your master; you are drunk because you drank out of the bubbling spring which

I measured.”

Jesus then pulled Thomas aside to speak. When Thomas returned to his companions, they asked what Jesus had said. Thomas told them that he said only three words and if he should speak even one word he said, “You will all throw stones at me and fire will come out of the stones and burn you.”

Jesus said to his disciples, “If you should fast, you will be bringing sin on you(rselves), And if you pray, they will condemn you, and if you should give alms, you will be doing an evil to your spirits. And if you should go into any land and walk in any of the districts, if they should receive you, eat what they put in front of you and heal those amongst them that are sick. For what will go into your mouth will not defile you, rather what comes out will defile you(rselves).

When you should look upon he who they did not beget out of the woman, prostrate yourselves onto your face and worship him. He who is there, is your father.

Perhaps man thinks I have come to cast peace onto the world and they do not realize That I have come to cast some divisions upon the earth... Fire, Sword, and War.

Five will come to be in a house, three will come to be against two, and two against three, the father against the son, and the son against the father. And they will stand to their feet, they being single ones.

Jesus said this, “I will give to you that which no one has set eyes upon, ears heard, hands touched, nor that which has crossed the mind of man.”

The disciples said to Jesus, “Tell us about our end, which way shall it come?” Jesus said, “Have you revealed the beginning, so that you will be seeking out the end? For in the place of the beginning, the ending will come to be there.” “A blessed one is he who will stand to his feet in the beginning and will know the end... And he will not taste death.” And Jesus said, "A blessed one is he who came into being from the beginning before he came to be.”

“If you should come to be disciples of mine and you listen to my words, these stories will become servants to you. There are five trees in paradise which do not move in summer nor winter, and their leaves do not fall down. He who will know them will not taste death.”

The disciples said to Jesus, "Speak to us about the kingdom of heaven. To what does she compare?” To this Jesus said, “She compares to a grain of mustard seed, smaller than all the seeds. When, however, it should fall upon the earth and is properly tended, does it send out a great branch which comes to be shelter for the birds of the sky.”

Mariam asked Jesus, “Whom do your disciples resemble?” He replied, “They resemble small children dwelling in a field which is not theirs. When the lords of the field return, they will say, ‘Give our field back to us.’ They strip naked in their presence so they may give the clothes back to them, and they give their field to them."

Therefore, I say this, “If the Lord of the house should realize that the robber is coming, he will keep watch before he comes and not permit him to tunnel into his house of his kingdom and enable him to take his goods. You, however, keep watch from the beginning of the world. Bind yourselves together as powerfully as you can; so that the thieves fall on their way to you. For the outward help you seek, they will fall upon.”

"Let a man of understanding come to be in your midst. When the fruit split, he came in a hurry with sickle in hand and he reaped him.” “He who can hear, let him listen.”

Jesus looked at some little ones taking milk and said this to his disciples, “These little ones who take milk compare to those who go into the kingdom.” And his disciples said, “So we, being little ones, will go into the kingdom?”

Jesus said this to them, “When you should make the two, one, and if you should make the side outer like the side inner and the side upper like the side lower, so you will be making the male and the woman that one alone so that neither the male become male nor the woman become woman. When you should make some eyes to the place of an eye and the hand to the place of a hand and foot to the place of the foot, an image in place of an image, then you will go in to the kingdom."

And, Jesus said, “I will choose you 1 out of 1000 and 2 out of 10,000. And they will stand to their feet; they being 'one' alone."

His disciples said this, “Show us to the place that you are from because it is necessary for us

to seek after him.” Said Jesus to them, “He who has ears let him listen. Light exists in the inner of a man of light and he becomes light to the world; all of it. If he does not become light, he

is darkness.”

Jesus said this: “Love our brother like your soul; guard him like the pupil of your eye.” And then he said, “In the mote of your brother's eye, you see him; however, you do not see him in the beam of your eye. When you should cast the beam out of your eye, then, you will see outward to cast the mote out of your brother's eye."

If you do not fast to the world, you will not fall to the kingdom. If you do not make the Sabbath, Sabbath, you will not look upon the Father.

Jesus said this, “Did I stand to my feet in the midst of the world, and did I appear outwardly

to them in flesh? Did I fall upon any of them drunk; did I fall on any one among them thirsting, and, did my soul give pain over the souls of men? For blind men are in their mind and do not look outward; for they have come to the world empty, they seek also that they come out of

the world empty. But now they are drunk; when they should shake off their wine, then they

will repent."

If the flesh has come into being because of spirit a wonder is she; If the spirit comes into being because of the body, a wonder wondrous is he. Rather, I become amazed at this; how this great richness was placed in this poverty.

Jesus said this: “The place which has three gods; they are in God. The place which has two or one; I, exist with him."

Jesus said: “No prophet is accepted in his own village; no physician heals those who know him."

Jesus said this: “They are building a city upon a mountain raised up and fortified and in no way can she fall nor can she be hidden."

Said Jesus: “He who you will listen to in your ear, in the other, preach him upon your housetops. No one burns a lamp and puts it under their ear nor in a hiding place. Rather, he puts it upon a lampstand so that anyone who goes in and who comes out may look upon its light."

Jesus said, "If a blind man should lead another blind man, they fall, the two down into a pit." Jesus said; "No way can one go into the house of the strong and take him by force unless he binds his hands; then, he will move out of his house."

Jesus said, “Do not worry from morning to evening and from evening to morning, what it will take for you to be the chosen."

His disciples said this; “Which day will you appear forth to us and which day will we look upon you?" Jesus replied, "When you should strip yourselves naked without being ashamed and you take your garments and put them down on the ground and like small children, you trample them; then you will look upon the son of he who lives and you will become not afraid."

Many times you desired to hear these words; these which I am telling you and you had not anyone else to hear them from in person. Some days will come to be and you will seek after me yet you will not fall upon me.

Jesus said this: “The Pharisees and the scribes took the keys of knowledge and hid them; neither did they go in nor did they allow those who desired, to go in. You, however, come to be cunning like the snakes and innocent like the doves."

Then said Jesus: “They planted a vine of grapes on the outer side of the father and she not being fortified will be pulled up by her roots and be destroyed." Jesus said this: “He who has it in his hand; they will give to him; and he who has not, will have the little bit that he does have, taken from his hand."

Jesus said this; “Come into being as you pass away." The disciples said to him; “Who are you that you speak these things to us?" And Jesus said: “Those which I have told you, you haven't realized who I am. Rather, you have become like those Judeans; for they love the tree and hate its fruit; they love the fruit and hate the tree?"

Said Jesus: “Whoever tells one to the Father will leave it off to him and whoever tells one to the Son will leave it off to him. Whoever tells one to the spirit which is holy, they will not leave it off to him be it on earth nor in the sky."

Jesus said this; “They do not harvest grapes out of thorns nor do they gather figs out of thistles because they do not give fruit. A good man does bring a good thing out of his treasure; an evil man does bring some evil things out of his treasure, which is wicked, which is in his mind, and he speaks some evil things. Out of the excess of the mind, he brings out some evil things."

Jesus said this; “From Adam up to Johann the Baptist, among those begotten of women, no one is raised above Johann the Baptist; so that to break with his eyes. I say however this, he being a little one will come to be among you. He will know the kingdom and will be raised above Johann."

Jesus said this; “No way can a man climb onto two horses and shoot two bows and no way can a servant serve two lords. He will honor one and the other one, he will despise. No man drinks old wine and immediately desires to drink new wine and they do not pour new wine into old wineskins so that it splits open and they pour old wine into new wineskins so that it also is not destroyed. They do not sew old patches on new garments because there, a split will come into being."

Jesus said; “Should two make peace with each other in this house alone, they will tell the mountain 'move away' and it will move. Blessed ones are the single 'ones' and the chosen; for you will fall to the kingdom, for you are out of Her; again you will be going there."

Said Jesus; “If they should ask you, 'Out of where have you come', tell them this, 'We have come out of the light, the place where the light came into being; outward by his hand himself." Jesus stood to his feet and he appeared forth in their image. Should they ask you this,“You are him?", say this: “We are his sons and we are the Chosen of the father who lives". If they should ask you, “What is the sign of your father which is in yourselves?" Tell them this, “It is a movement and a repose."

The disciples asked Jesus: “Which day is the repose of those who are dead and which day is the new world coming?" Jesus said this to them: “That day that you are looking outward for has already come but you do not know it." His disciples said to him; “24 prophets spoke in Israel and all of them spoke down of you."

Said Jesus to them: “You have left the presence of he who lives and you spoke about those who are dead."

His disciples asked him: “Is circumcision beneficial for us?" He said this to them: “If it were beneficial, their father would have them come out of their mother already circumcised. Circumcision, true in spirit, has found profit – all of it."

Said Jesus this: “Blessed ones are the poor; for yours is the kingdom of the heavens." Jesus said this: “Whoever hates not his father and his mother cannot become my disciples and hate not his brothers and sisters and take his cross in my way, will not come to be deserving of me."

Says Jesus this: “Whoever has known the world, fell upon a corpse and who ever has fallen upon a corpse, the world be not worthy of him."

Said Jesus this: “The kingdom of the father, she compares to a man who had a good seed. His enemy came in the night and sowed a weed upon the good seed. The man did not allow the weed to be pulled up. To this he said, 'So that you don't go to pull up the weed and you pull up the grain with it, on the day of the harvest, the weeds will appear forth and they will be pulled up and burned."

Said Jesus this: “A blessed one is the man who is troubled; he fell to (the) LIFE."

Said Jesus: “Look after he who lives, while you are living lest that you die and you seek to look at him and you cannot find the power."

While looking at the Samaritan taking a lamb into Judea, Jesus asked his disciples about the man hanging out around the lamb. So that he might kill the lamb and eat it, they answered. Jesus said this: “While he is living he will not eat him; rather, if he should kill him and he comes to be a corpse." The disciples said to him, “He cannot do it any other way." Jesus said to them: “You yourselves also seek a place for you in a repose; so that you will not become eaten when you become corpses."

Jesus said: “Two will rest there on a bed; the one will die; the one will live." Said Salome: “You are who, man? As if out of one, did you climb onto my bed and did you eat off of my table?" Said Jesus to her this: “I am he who exists out of he who is equal; they gave to me out of that of my father. Because of this I speak this: When he should come to be destroyed, he will be full of light. When however, he should come to be divided; he will be full of darkness."

Said Jesus this: “I speak of my mysteries to those worthy of my mysteries. That which your right will do, let not your left realize what it is."

Jesus said this: “There was a man of wealth who had many riches." He said this, “I will make use of my wealth so that I may sow and reap and plant and fill my treasure house with fruit; so that I not need anything." "These were his thoughts in his mind and in that very night, he died. He who has ear; let him listen."

Said Jesus this: “A man was having some visitors and when he had prepared the dinner, he sent his servant so that he might call the visitors. He went to the first and said to him, “My Lord calls you." The first visitor said, “I have money for traders and they were coming this evening so that I might place orders from them, I beg off the dinner." The servant went up to another of the visitors and said, “Did my Lord call you?" To that the man said, “I have bought a house and they require a day of my time and I will not be able to even rest." The servant came up to another one and said, “My Lord calls you." To which the man said, “My friend will be married and I will be making the dinner and cannot come and beg off the dinner." And he went up to another one and said, “My Lord calls you." Said he to him this, “I have bought a farm. I am going to take the taxes and cannot come; I beg off."

The servant came up to his Lord and spoke this, “Those whom you called for dinner, they have begged off." Said the Lord to his servant this, “Go to the roads on the side outer and those you come upon; bring them so that they may dine. The buyers and the traders may not go in to the places of my Father."

Said he this: “A man of justice owned a vineyard and gave it to some tenants in exchange for work and the man would take the food as payment. He sent his servant to collect the grapes from the vineyard. They grabbed his servant and beat him, beat him a little more and killed him. The servant came and spoke to his Lord, “Perhaps they did not know him". He sent another servant and the tenants beat him. Then the Lord sent his son and said this, “Perhaps they will be ashamed.... being before my son. The tenants who were there seized him because they knew he was the heir to the vineyard. They seized him. They killed him. He who has ears; let him listen."

Said Jesus this, “Show me the stone; the one the builders have turned down. It is the cornerstone." Jesus said, “He who knows the all-of-it; if he himself needs the place, he needs the all-of-it."

Said Jesus this, “You blessed ones; when they should hate yourselves and persecute you, they will not fall upon anywhere in the place where they persecuted you down in him." Said Jesus this, “Blessed ones are these they have persecuted down in their mind. Those who are there have truly known the Father."

"Blessed ones are those hungry; so they, may satisfy the belly of their desires."

Jesus said, “When you should beget that one in yourselves, the one which you have in you, he will save yourselves. If you do not have that one in you, the one which you do not have in you; will kill you." Jesus said this, “I will destroy this house and no one can build him; not another time."

Said a man to him this, “Speak to my brothers so they may divide the belongings of my father with me". Said Jesus to him, “O man, who is he who has made me a divider?" He turned to his disciples and said to them this, “Truly, do I exist as a divider?" Said Jesus this, “The harvest indeed is plentiful; the laborers, few. Pray however, to the Lord, so he might send laborers out to the harvest." Said he this, “Lord, there are many around the fountain; nothing, however in the cistern." Said Jesus this, “There are many standing at the door; but the single ones, those are who will go in to the place of marriage".

Said Jesus this, “The kingdom of the father compares to a man of trade who came upon a pearl in his consignment. This trader was a wise one and gave the consignment away and bought for himself that pearl alone. You yourselves seek after his treasure that does not perish, enduring on; the place where no moth approaches to eat it nor worms destroy."

Said Jesus this, “I am the light; the one which is in them, all of them. I am the all. Has the all come out of me. And has the All split me open? Split a timber; I am there. Hold the stone up and you will fall upon me there."

Said Jesus this, “Why did you come out to the field? To watch a reed blowing around in the wind and to look at a man wearing soft garments like your kings and your powerful ones? These with the soft garments upon them, they cannot know the truth."

A woman in the crowd said to Jesus, “Blessed is the belly which carried you and the breasts which nourished you." Said he to her this, “Blessed are they who have listened to the Word of the Father. They have truly watched over him. There will come to be some days when you will say this, “Blessed is she, the belly which did not conceive and the breasts which did not give milk."

Jesus said this, “Whoever has known the world, has fallen upon the body. Whoever has fallen however, upon the body, the world will not be worthy of him." Said Jesus this, “Whoever has become rich, let him become king and he who has power, let him abdicate."

Said Jesus, “He who is close to me is close to the fire and he who is far from me, he is far from the kingdom."

Said Jesus this, “The images are revealed forth to the man and the light which is in them. He is hidden in the image of the light of the father. He will be revealed forth and his image hidden away by his light."

Said Jesus, “The days you look at your resemblance, do you rejoice when however, you should look upon your images which come into being upon your beginning. Neither do they die nor remain hidden. You will bear under how much?" Said Jesus, “Has not Adam come into being out of a great power and a great richness and did he not come to be worthy of you. Had they been deserving, he would not have tasted Death."

Said Jesus, “The foxes have their dens and the birds have their nests. The son however, of the man, has not a place to lay his head and rest himself."

Said Jesus this, “A wretched one is he, the body which depends on a body and a wretched one is she, the soul which depends on these the two".

Said Jesus, “The Angels will come up to you with the prophets and they will give to you those which they have of yours and you yourselves, give to them those who are theirs and you ask yourselves this, “Which day is it that they will come and take he who is theirs?"

Said Jesus this “Why is it that you wash the outer side of the cup? Do you not understand that whoever created the inner side also is he who created the outer side?" Said Jesus this, “Come up to me; for a just one is my yoke and my Lordship. A man gentle is she and you, yourselves will fall into a repose."

Said they to him this, “Tell us this, who are you; so, we may believe you?" Said Jesus to them this, “You read the face of the sky and the earth and he, who was in your presence, you did not know him and this moment, you do not know how to read him."

Said Jesus this, “Seek and you will find. But, what you asked me about in those days I did not tell you, then. Now it pleases me to tell you them and you seek not after them. Do not give what is holy to the dogs so they don't toss them into the dungheap. Do not cast the pearls to the swine so they not make him a corpse."

Said Jesus, “He who seeks will find and he who is called in; they will open to him. Jesus said this, “If you have money, do not give it with interest. Rather give it to he whom you will not take from his hand."

Said Jesus this, “the Kingdom of the Father compares to a woman who took a little bit of leaven and put it in the dough and made it into some great loaves of bread. He who has ears, let him listen.” Said Jesus this: "The Kingdom of the Father compares to a woman bearing under a jar full of meal. Walking on a road far away, the ear of the jar broke and the meal emptied out after her on the road. Not realizing a problem, when she opened it in her house, she put the jar down and fell upon it, being empty."

Jesus said: "The Kingdom of the Father compares to a man wanting to kill a powerful man. He drew the sword in his house and stuck it into the wall; so that he might realize ??? (outwardly} that his hand is strong inwardly. Then he slew the powerful one."

The disciples said to Jesus this: "Your brothers and your mother, they are standing on the side outer. Said he to them this: Those in these places who do the will of my father; these are my brothers and my mother. They are he who will go into the kingdom of my father."

They show Jesus a coin and said to him, “The servants of Caesar, they demand taxes of us". Said Jesus to them: "Give that of Caesar to Caesar; give that of (the) God to (the) God and he who is mine, give to me. Whoever does not hate his father and his mother, in my way, cannot become a disciple of mine. and whoever does not love his father and his mother, in my way, cannot become a disciple of mine. My mother she begot my body forth. My mother, however true, she gave to me The Life." Jesus said, “Woe to them, the Pharisees, for they resemble a dog resting upon a manger of some oxen; for neither does he eat nor permit the oxen to eat."

Jesus said “A blessed one is the man who knows where the thieves will come in; so he may rise and gather his kingdom and bind himself upon his loins from the beginning, before they come in."

They said to Jesus, “Come. we pray today and we fast." Jesus said this, “What is the sin I have

committed or that which they have won over me." Rather when the bridegroom comes out of the bridal chamber, then, let them fast and let them pray. Jesus said, “He who will know the father and the mother; they will refer to him as the son of the harlot."

Jesus said, “When you should make the two, one, you will come to be the sons of the man and if you should speak this, “Mountain move away", it will move."

Jesus said, "The kingdom compares to a sheepherder who had a hundred sheep. One of them strayed.... the greatest one. The sheepherder left the 99 and sought after the one sheep until he found him....having been troubled. He said to the sheep, “I love/want you more than the 99".

Jesus said this, “Whoever drinks out of my mouth, he will come to be in my way; I also will come to be as he is and those hidden will appear to him."

Jesus said, “The Kingdom compares to a man who had a treasure in his field that he did not know about. After his death, he left it all to his son; the son knew not that the treasure was there and sold it. Whoever bought it, found the treasure while plowing. Did he begin to loan the money at interest to those he loves?"

Said Jesus, “Whoever has found the world and become rich, let him abdicate from the world." Jesus said, “the heavens will be rolled up and the earth in your presence and he who lives out of he who lives will not look upon death because Jesus says this, “whoever falls upon it himself, the world be not worthy of him."

Jesus said, “Woe on the flesh, the one which depends on the soul. Woe on the soul, the one which depends on the flesh."

His disciples asked Jesus, “The Kingdom is coming on which day?" Jesus said, “She is coming not in a look outward. They will not be speaking this, “Behold that side or behold that one. Rather, the kingdom of the Father is spreading out upon the earth and men do not look upon her."

Simon Peter said to them this, “Let Mariam come out from us; for (the) women are not worthy of (The) Life." Jesus said this, “Behold, I will lead her so that I might make her male; so she might also come to be her(self) a living spirit resembling you male(s). For any woman making her(self) male, she will go into the kingdom of (the) heaven(s)."

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